In Memory Of


Carl Lon Humphrey

Lon was born on April 8th, 1947 in Walla, Walla, Washington at St. Mary's Hospital to Carl E. and Betty Jean Humphrey.

He was the third of five children. His brothers and sisters are: Carole Jean, now living in North Carolina;  Mel, residing in Northern Illinois; Carleene, Florida; and Bill, living in Missouri.

Lon was a Viet Nam Vet, serving two terms during the mid 1960's. He married, at a very young age and soon had three sons. As of this posting, April 2005 and the anniversary of his death, Lon now has three grandchildren who he loved and shared fun times with up until his death. He also loved and cared for all his nieces, nephews, great-nieces and nephews as his own.  

He was a very successful business owner; starting his business on a shoe string and working hard enough that it grew to be a leader in home remodeling and service. Lon was a leader in his community;  Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis Club, to name a few. He was elected, several times, to chair his local Pro Bass Club. His interests also included charity organizations and the proper care for the many forgotten people in his area; the elderly, the mentally ill, the illiterate and the indigent.